Dave, 34 years old designer from USA. Meet him on his website, like him on Facebook, follow him on Twitter, buy his art on Redbubble!
Tell us something about this design.
“…beneath every choice, there’s either a one or a zero.”
Who is and where does Dave come from?
My name is Dave Kopet and I’m a native South Floridian, where I currently live with my wife and 2 sons.
How long have you been in the t-shirt world?
I designed my first t-shirt as an indy artist in August 2013. Before that, though, I had designed hundreds of commissioned tees for various events and organizations over the span of 10 years.
What would you suggest to an aspiring t-shirt designer?
Two things… first, be persistent. It is perfectly normal for your first few designs to be rejected by t-shirt sites before they get to know you and get used to seeing your work. Second, focus on subject matter that interests you. This ensures that your heart is into it and you’ll be less likely to get bored with the design.
What’s a day in the life of Dave like?
Go to work, come home and spend time with my family, then work on t-shirts whenever I have spare time.
Mac or PC?
At one point in my career I would have said Mac, but I currently work on both platforms, so it no longer matters to me!
Post-apocalyptic world. No trace of human race. It happens that you’ve survived and managed to save…
Will Smith. Seen him get out of a similar jam.
3 tv-series: Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones (honorable mention to Daredevil).
3 movies: The Godfather, The Empire Strikes Back, The Goonies.
3 videogames: Super Metroid, Halo, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
3 cds: Drive soundtrack , Billy Joel Greatest Hits, Joshua Tree (U2).
3 books: Wool, A Song of Ice and Fire series, The Lord of the Rings.
One t-shirt: this one.
You are the governor of the world. What’s the first thing you would do?
Taco Tuesdays!
You’ve just won a DeLorean time machine. Which historic period/time/moment would you like to visit?
I’d go back to when my parents were teenagers and help them hook up… nevermind, that just sounds perverted.
Say whatever you want to the Tee Tee community!!
Hi everyone… since I am new to Tee Tee, I hope I’m worthy of your acceptance!
EDIT: Mi piace un sacco!!! <3 <3 <3
Elia, il commento lasciava trasparire il tuo entusiasmo e ne siamo molto felici, ma rasentava la scurrilità. L'abbiamo reso meno volgare :P
Qualcuno mi aiuterebbe a capirla? Thanks
mr. robot, la serie
Si potrebbe avere la stampa nell’Hoodie sul fronte piuttosto che sul retro?
James, no, la stampa sulla hoodie è solo sul retro. In questo caso, però, il design ci pare si presti parecchio! ;)
ehm non si possono ordinare 2 felpe uguali?
devo fare 2 ordini?
Bisogna procedere con due ordini separati, confermiamo. Ci spiace :(
Veramente stupenda, peccato l’abbia vista solo ora e non abbia soldi sulla carta…
Come vestono le hoodie?
http://www.teetee.eu/it/guida-alle-taglie ;)
vi prego , stampatela ancora !
stampatela ancora perfavore!!!!
Bellissima. Ristampatela per favore