Inspired by Star Wars – Episode V The Empire Strikes Back! I hope you like it! :)
I’m Your Father!
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Dale is a Freelance Designer/Illustrator from Melbourne, Australia. After completing a Diploma of Graphic Arts he ventured into the online community of design in 2008 and has never looked back. With a recognisable style in both Corporate Identity and detailed Illustration he has captured the imagination of his clients. Visualizza tutti gli articoli di daletheskater
that’s AWESOME!!
Sinceramente ci sono millemila maglie di StarWars, e ci sono milla disegni di questo artist che ho votato, ma, VI PREGO, METTETELA! *-*
La comprere subito stile “My Spot”, senza pensarci.
Vi prego.
Avete messo Aweking, e non l’ho comprata per incertezza, questa la comprerei subito.