12 Lug 2014

Kakarot Evolution

by Samiel

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Informazioni Designer:

Samiel, 33 years old designer from Spain.Like him on Facebook, follow him on Twitter, buy his art on Redbubble!

Tell us something about this design.

The child, the man, and the saiyan.

Who is and where does Samiel come from?

Samiel is a journalist, designer and free spirit who lives in a old cave in the center of Spain (Madrid) surrounded by a pile of comics, games and basketball t-shirts.

How long have you been in the t-shirt world?

1 year and something more.

What would you suggest to an aspiring t-shirt designer?

Patience, the beginning is the worst moment in this business.

What’s a day in the life of Samiel like?

Get up at 14:00 pm, light breakfast and checking my emails, go swimming and after the lunch my workday begins until my eyes are closed.

Mac or PC?

PC always.

Post-apocalyptic world. No trace of human race. It happens that you’ve survived and managed to save… My baseball bat, a basketball and my collection of comics of Man Thing.

3 tv-series: Vikings, True Detective and Carnivale.3 movies: Batman (Dark Knight), Lord of The Rings and District 9.3 videogames: Baldur’s Gate, Half-life and Streets of Rage 2.3 cds: Somewhere Far Beyond ( Blind Guardian), Dark Saga (Iced Earth) and Final Countdown (Europe)3 books: Wendigo (Algernon Blackwood), Silmarillion (Tolkien) and Fingerprints of the Gods (Graham Hancock).One t-shirt: Judas Priest (Painkiller album cover).

You are the governor of the world. What’s the first thing you would do?

Resurrection for Elvis, Gandhi and Jimi Hendrix, and after this G8 leaders go to jail.

You’ve just won a DeLorean time machine. Which historic period/time/moment would you like to visit?

Two periods: Travel to the the Holy Island of Lindisfarne in 793 with the awesome arrival of the Vikings and S. I to take a look at Jesus Christ.

Say whatever you want to the Tee Tee community!!

This is one of my favourites designs , thanks so much for voting it and to Tee Tee for this opportunity. Hope you like it. Rock and roll!!

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Awesome tees for awesome people

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