Team Mystic

Team Mystic

Melkron, 23 years old designer from Spain. Like him on Facebook, buy his art on Redbubble!

Tell us something about this design.


Who is and where does Melkron come from?

I´m a young spaniar currently working as a web designer.

How long have you been in the t-shirt world?

I have been involved in this for half a year already, designing web can be pretty boring sometimes and this help to refresh my brain.

What would you suggest to an aspiring t-shirt designer?

Watch series, movies, anime non stop , also play a ton of games, it’s such a hard work to do (just kidding this is the best part of this “job”).

What’s a day in the life of Melkron like?

Not gonna lie, i’m stuck in my pc for more than I should, Sleep -> PC (work, games, designs ) -> Sleep. Sometimes my friends kidnap me and I go out to have fun =P

Mac or PC?

PC master race.

Post-apocalyptic world. No trace of human race. It happens that you’ve survived and managed to save…

3 tv-series: Game of Thrones , The Wire and Peaky Blinders.
3 movies: I give up, too many out there to just choose 3 ! T_T
3 videogames: Witcher 3, Dragon Age Inquisition and Fallout 3, if i can only play singleplayer at least i choose those with a ton of hours of gameplay.

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