hyperstatica, two designers from Italy. Like them on Facebook!
Tell us something about this design.
Who is and where does hyperstatica come from?
We are two Italian student, Daniele (the head) studies material engineering and Valentina (the hand) studies architecture
How long have you been in the t-shirt world?
From November.
What would you suggest to an aspiring t-shirt designer?
Be Crazy, be foolish. Take your passions and transfer them on tees.
What’s a day in the life of hyperstatica like?
D: Trying not to make a mess.
V: Wake up, eat, sleep, and try to conquer the world between a break and the other.
Mac or PC?
Pc for both.
Post-apocalyptic world. No trace of human race. It happens that you’ve survived and managed to save…
3 tv-series:
D: Game of Thrones, Scrubs, Braking Bad.
V: Vikings, Game of Thrones, The Big Bang Theory.
3 movies:
D: Star Wars, Back to the future, Nightmare before Christmas.
V: Braveheart, American Beauty, Vanilla Sky.
3 videogames:
D: Metal Gear Solid, Super Mario World, Resident Evil 2.
V: Tomb Raider, Crash, Tekken.
3 cds:
D: The dark side of the moon – Pink Floyd, Above – Mad Season, A kind of blue – Miles Davis.
V: Microchip Emozionale – Subsonica, Ora – Jovanotti, Le nuvole – Fabrizio De Andrè.
3 books:
D: Harry Potter – JK Rowling, Il bar sotto il mare – Stefano Benni, MAUS – Art Spiegelman.
V: Lord of the Rings – JRR Tolkien, Lord of the flies – William Golding, The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde.
One t-shirt:
D: Poked to Death
V: Toy of Man
You are the governor of the world. What’s the first thing you would do?
D: Buy an Ironman armor.
V: Provide jobs for young people.
You’ve just won a DeLorean time machine. Which historic period/time/moment would you like to visit?
D: The release date of Star Wars 7.
V: Ancient Egypt.
Say whatever you want to the Tee Tee community!!
Hope you like it!!