

teeteezen dal 09/12/2013


Six Eyed Monster Creative Studios is comprised of two artists, David Johnston and Stephen Gibson, who also happen to be life-long first cousins. The two have always shared a love for art and design and so the only logical progression of that was to one day band together to form a super awesome design studio.

I Design

Desolation Is Coming

by SixEyedMonster

Mr. White

by SixEyedMonster

The Hand of the 10th Doctor

by SixEyedMonster

The Giant Iron Chef

by SixEyedMonster

The Hand of the 11th Doctor

by SixEyedMonster

Come On, Scoob

by SixEyedMonster

Desolation is Coming

by SixEyedMonster

Dean, Sam, and Cas

by SixEyedMonster

Lightning Returns

by SixEyedMonster

The Unbreakable Hero

by SixEyedMonster

Frozen Fantasy

by SixEyedMonster

The Hunger Pangs

by SixEyedMonster

Frozen Fantasy 2

by SixEyedMonster

Frozen Fantasy 3

by SixEyedMonster


by SixEyedMonster

Attack on The Future

by SixEyedMonster

Sons of Albus

by SixEyedMonster

Sons of Azkaban

by SixEyedMonster

Sons of Azkaban

by SixEyedMonster

Carl and RIck

by SixEyedMonster

The Hunger Games

by SixEyedMonster

My Big Hero

by SixEyedMonster

Galactic Babies

by SixEyedMonster

The Nosferatu Hunters

by SixEyedMonster

The Nosferatu Slayer

by SixEyedMonster

Back From The Pit

by SixEyedMonster

The Devil Returns

by SixEyedMonster

A Death In The Galaxy

by SixEyedMonster

I Love You

by SixEyedMonster

I Know

by SixEyedMonster


by SixEyedMonster

Spidey Returns

by SixEyedMonster


by SixEyedMonster

Andati in stampa

The Thunder God Returns

by SixEyedMonster

By Royal Decree

by SixEyedMonster

The Day of the Doctor

by SixEyedMonster