

Rome, Italy,

teeteezen dal 04/05/2013

Andati in stampa

Heart of a Chief, soul of a Dragon

by greta.traldi

Ultimi Voti

Planet Of Oz

by saqman

Heart of a Chief, soul of a Dragon

by greta.traldi

Lord Of The Fries

by DeepFriedArt

princess monokiki

by kharmazero

Sheldon is LOST

by branko.ricov


by marcin

Pan’s Nightmare

by Harantula

Alien Nightmare

by Harantula

Who are you? I’m Missy

by GretonzaTeg

Where no one goes… or not?

by GretonzaTeg

Spidey’s shadow

by KikkoHiro

Oberyn Martell is my Champion

by LadyEren

George Martin – Wedding Planner

by LadyEren

Can we get in? Please!

by GretonzaTeg

the response of an hitchhiker


Zanarkand Ruins

by bocaci

Falling down the rabbit hole

by SaraFabrizi

It’s dangerous to play alone

by spike00

No More Games

by Fearcheck

FullMetal Tee

by Fearcheck

The Doctor – Adventures in Space and Time

by KikkoHiro

Inevitable Steampunk Version

by Valentinaocchiblu

Minion Impossible

by Ryan87

The Hanging Tree

by LadyEren

Ocarina of Time

by Reita

Recon Corps

by alecxps

The Assassin’s Treasure Island.

by Le.duc

Keep Calm And RUN

by Leylaaslan

Cooking Time

by Fuacka

Mother of Dragons

by Whitebison

I Commenti

Heart of a Chief, soul of a Dragon 11/03/2015 @ 17:03

effettivamente sarebbe figa se si illuminasse al buio *^*

Heart of a Chief, soul of a Dragon 10/03/2015 @ 22:31

Beh se andrà in stampa sistemerò la texture per renderla centrata, mentre ci lavoravo non l'avevo notato subito :)! Comunque io sono in questo mondo solo da qualche mese e teetee non lo controllo quasi mai,quidni non sapevo ce ne fosse stata una simile a questa, ma comunque la mia è lavorata con un certo dettaglio anche se da questa immagine non sembra. Poi boh non si sa nemmeno se andrà in stampa.

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