


teeteezen dal 24/10/2014


Hello :D! I am a italian student of informatics engineering, 22 years old! The graphics and designs are my hobbies that I love to do! I love videogames, anime, manga, movies, telefilm! Also Buy my tshirt on: One like for my facebook page:

I Design

Tha walker of Abyss (Black version)

by Taki93

Evocation of Shenron

by Taki93

Goku’s Transformation

by Taki93

Shadow of the Walker AT-AT

by Taki93

Pink Evolution!

by Taki93

Father & Son

by Taki93

Hunter and prey

by Taki93

Full/Empty Estus Flask

by Taki93

Lord Of SpinneR

by Taki93

Shadow in Moon

by Taki93

Andati in stampa

Artorias – Sif

by Taki93

Mew – Mew Two

by Taki93

The Walker of the Abyss

by Taki93

Disponibile nel
nostro shop!

The Walker of the Abyss

by Taki93

I Commenti

Nine Kings 08/12/2020 @ 14:32

Bellissima, complimenti! Spero che venga mandata in stampa!

Pink Evolution! 12/06/2017 @ 11:44

Let’s see what happens!

Pink Evolution! 08/06/2017 @ 23:47

Incrociamo le dita :D

Carica altri commenti