

Turin, Italy,

teeteezen dal 08/09/2013

I Design

Hail Hydra

by andrea.bellusci.ab

I survived The Hunger Games

by andrea.bellusci.ab

A new Hero

by andrea.bellusci.ab

Pac Who?

by andrea.bellusci.ab

Nerd is Sexy

by andrea.bellusci.ab

The Park is Open

by andrea.bellusci.ab

Whose side are you?

by andrea.bellusci.ab

Just Do It!!!

by andrea.bellusci.ab

Andati in stampa


by andrea.bellusci.ab

Toothless REPRINT

by andrea.bellusci.ab

Toothless – Reprint

by andrea.bellusci.ab

Toothless Resurrecteed

by andrea.bellusci.ab

Disponibile nel
nostro shop!


by andrea.bellusci.ab

I Commenti

Heart of a Chief, soul of a Dragon 30/03/2015 @ 00:19

no in realtà la maglia originale l'ho fatta io... giada si è mooooooooooooooooolto ispirata per non dire altro...