


teeteezen dal 28/08/2013


Italiano, 25 anni, studente di architettura, con una passione per il design, spero vi piacciano i miei lavori, nel caso votateli ;D - I'm Italian, 25 years old, architecture student, with a passion for design and videogames, hope you enjoy my works, in that case vote them ;D

I Design

Can You Bite Me?

by LiukSL

All Men Must Diet

by LiukSL

Where Is Daddy?

by LiukSL

Sage Mode Naruto

by LiukSL

My Neighbor Portal

by LiukSL

You’re Making Me Angry

by LiukSL

Paranormal Investigator

by LiukSL


by LiukSL

Fortnite Park

by LiukSL

Gentlemen in the Woods

by LiukSL

Andati in stampa

A Big Friend of Mine

by LiukSL

A Big Friend of Mine – New World Version

by LiukSL


by LiukSL


by LiukSL

I Commenti

Opposite 17/06/2018 @ 17:00

Contento che tu la apprezzi, sulla felpa grigia si vede bene il nero, ho comprato io stesso altre felpe di teetee

Opposite 28/04/2016 @ 16:24

Grazie, speriamo la stampino

Eva-01 23/09/2014 @ 14:57

bellissimaaaa!!! stampatela

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