

teeteezen dal 29/04/2014


Artist, Illustrator and amateur Jedi. I try to create designs that combine the best of pop-culture and art, and slap the resulting creation onto a shirt for you to wear!

I Design

Wibbly Wobbly

by rebelart

Mononoke Time

by rebelart

Expecto Pretendum

by rebelart

Gateway to the Ooniverse

by rebelart

The Angels Are Here

by rebelart

Tardis Sweet Tardis

by rebelart

Hello Doctor

by rebelart

Holiday Neighbor

by rebelart

Always Prepared

by rebelart


by rebelart

Sen’s Bathhouse

by rebelart

Last Place is Coming

by rebelart

Not Forgotten

by rebelart

Painted No Face

by rebelart

Andati in stampa

Dont Get 8Bit

by rebelart

I Commenti

Wibbly Wobbly 24/06/2014 @ 04:39

Thank you both, Haha MrBrolo

Dont Get 8Bit 24/06/2014 @ 04:38

Thank you Toremack :D

Mononoke Time 24/06/2014 @ 04:37

Thank you guys. I hope it makes it to print :)