

San Ginesio,

teeteezen dal 07/04/2013


Books-Movies-Tvseries maniac and Illustrator from Italy!

I Design

Totoro Holmes

by ricolaa

Praise the Sun!

by ricolaa

All you need in the morning

by ricolaa

The Steam Star

by ricolaa

Not the usual reaction!

by ricolaa

Imperial Rhapsody

by ricolaa

The Founders

by ricolaa

Fire and Light

by ricolaa

Water and Deepness

by ricolaa

Thunder and Speed

by ricolaa

Ultimate pillow fight

by ricolaa

Choose Minds

by ricolaa

Queen of poisoned thorns

by ricolaa

The Cutest Knight

by ricolaa

The only hero of his kind!

by ricolaa

Ice and Elegance

by ricolaa

Colours and Fairies

by ricolaa

Leaves and Smartness

by ricolaa

To share one lifetime with you

by ricolaa

Even in the darkest of times

by ricolaa

The twin essences of Death

by ricolaa

You could be whatever you want!

by ricolaa

Ice and Fire

by ricolaa

Nature Guardians

by ricolaa

We scare and we don’t care!

by ricolaa

We’re all mad here

by ricolaa

I’m late, I’m late, I’m late.

by ricolaa

Off with their heads!

by ricolaa

Old Sketch Cuphead

by ricolaa

Let’s do this!

by ricolaa

Paper hugs

by ricolaa

Moon boy

by ricolaa

Stranger Ghosts

by ricolaa

Christmas Vulpix!

by ricolaa

Christmas Alola!

by ricolaa

Merry Christmas Calcifer!

by ricolaa

Friendship is the most powerful magic!

by ricolaa

Face your shadows!

by ricolaa

A good moment to read

by ricolaa

Wizardry and Witchcraft starter pack!

by ricolaa

Tiny Blue Raptor

by ricolaa

A cup of tee?!

by ricolaa

Sorry, but not sorry!

by ricolaa

By order of the Peaky Blinders

by ricolaa

Comfy Winter

by ricolaa

The Hound and the Wolf

by ricolaa

Protect your world!

by ricolaa

Where is my coffee!?

by ricolaa

Save Polar Bears!

by ricolaa

Love is Love

by ricolaa

Protect Earth, Penguins live here!

by ricolaa

Be a Mulan!

by ricolaa


by ricolaa

Merry winter Calcifer!

by ricolaa

It wasn’t me!

by ricolaa


by ricolaa

Poké Bowl

by ricolaa

It will be ok

by ricolaa

Primitive Technology!

by ricolaa

Time to fly!

by ricolaa

Impressionist Neighbour

by ricolaa

Old School Pascal

by ricolaa

Andati in stampa

Flame Tails Tales

by ricolaa

Calcifer’s Engine

by ricolaa

Calcifer’s Engine REPRINT

by ricolaa

Calcifer’s new helpers!

by ricolaa

Choose Shadow

by ricolaa

Calcifer’s Engine Resurrecteed

by ricolaa

Howl’s moving heart

by ricolaa

Ursa Major

by ricolaa

Disponibile nel
nostro shop!

Calcifer’s Engine

by ricolaa

The biggest adventure

by ricolaa

Full Color Evolution

by ricolaa

Disponibile nel
nostro shop!

Book eater, please.

by ricolaa

Believe in yourself!

by ricolaa

We are all stories in the end

by ricolaa

A heart is a heavy burden.

by ricolaa

All I want for Christmas!

by ricolaa


by ricolaa

Mulan and the Dragon

by ricolaa

Beauty and the Beast Kiss

by ricolaa

Wonderland Forest

by ricolaa

Space Dice

by ricolaa

Book eater, please.

by ricolaa

I Commenti

The biggest adventure 29/05/2018 @ 21:54

Grazie dei complimenti ragazzi! ♥ Comunque fa riferimento a un po' tutto quello che avete nominato! Gingy_ ha azzeccato, è sull'avventura che ognuno di noi inizia aprendo un nuovo libro *_*

Ragnar Lothbrok, VIkings 21/03/2018 @ 12:28

Da fan sfegata della serie posso solo dire: STUPENDA!!

Adventure Tee 14/04/2016 @ 09:50

This is the first design ever with the "Bad-Good-Ugly" style that I really want to buy and wear! Finally something very original! LOVE it!

Flame Tails Tales 22/01/2016 @ 14:15

grazie dei complimenti!! *__*

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