25 May 2015


by olly

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About the designer:

Olly, 22 years old designer from Italy. Like him on Facebook, buy his art on Redbubble!

Tell us something about this design.

Hope you like it!!

Who is and where does Olly come from?

I’m an Italian student of Graphics & design at the Milan Politechnic and I’m mad for illustration, graphic art and drawing since i was a child.

How long have you been in the t-shirt world?

I’ve been in the t-shirt world for about one year now.

What would you suggest to an aspiring t-shirt designer?

I would tell him-her that beginning is always hard and they mustn’t get discouraged if many designs get discarded!I would also suggest them to keep alive their creativity by doing as many things as possibile, such as practise drawing a lot, watching movies, tv series, reading a lot of a books and comics and so on..

What’s a day in the life of Olly like?

A rich breakfast, go to university, stay with my girlfriend and dedicate myself to my favourite activity! Design and graphics!

Mac or PC?


Post-apocalyptic world. No trace of human race. It happens that you’ve survived and managed to save…

3 tv-series: Breaking Bad, Game of thrones and How i Met Your Mother.

3 movies: Matrix, Inglorious Basterds and District9!

3 videogames: Minecraft, Halo and Prototype.

3 cds: Toxicity (System of a Down), Horror Vacui (Linea77) and Billy Talent II

3 books: The stand (Stephen King), A Song of Ice and Fire (George R. R. Martin) and Sphere (Michael Crichton)

One t-shirt: “Le prince Noir”

You are the governor of the world. What’s the first thing you would do? 

Find the S.H.I.E.L.D.

You’ve just won a DeLorean time machine. Which historic period/time/moment would you like to visit?

I would like to visit the middle-ages to bully with my superior tecnological knowledge!

Say whatever you want to the Tee Tee community!!

Without you I’d be lost! Thanks for your votes and have a look at my other designs! ;)

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Awesome tees for awesome people

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