Legal terms and conditions

By submitting your work to Tee Tee, you agree to the following Artist Agreement and declare that:

  1. the work is yours, created by you and that you have the right on it
  2. that you have the right to submit it to Tee Tee so it can go in the Vote section and eventually on sale
  3. the design is not subject to any third party agreements which conflicts with this agreement
  4. the design does not infringe upon any copyright or third party rights
  5. at the end of the 48 hours you will retain all rights to your design and are free to submit it to other contests/t-shirt websites
  6. in case of breach of any rights of a third party, including any intellectual property or privacy right, you will reimburse, indemnify and defend Tee Tee from all costs, including legal/attorney fees, and/or damages

Should your design be selected for the 3 days sale period, Tee Tee:

  1. will have rights to sell and promote it, for 48 hours
  2. will have the right to display it in future promotional campaigns
  3. will contact you via e-mail to get the printing files necessary to produce the t-shirts
  4. will give you one euro (1 €) for every tee sold
  5. will send you a free tee with your design
  6. will pay you via Paypal within 48 hours of the design ending being on sale. You will be responsible for the payment of any tax that arises as a result of receiving payment from Tee Tee
  7. at the end of the 48 hours sale period will NOT retain rights to your design, leaving you totally free to submit it to other contests or t-shirts websites. The design, anyway, will remain in the Sanctuary leaving people the opportunity to see what they missed.

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