Choose One Resurrecteed

Choose One Resurrecteed

piluc, 22 years old designer from Italy.

Tell us something about this design.

If you played Pokémon when you were a child (or even now), you know that feeling!

Who is and where does piluc come from?

I study pharmaceutical chemistry (yeah, nothing to do with drawing!) and I’m from Padua, Italy.

How long have you been in the t-shirt world?

About 15 months now.

What would you suggest to an aspiring t-shirt designer?

Never give up! And always try to improve your techniques! Internet is full of tutorials and suggestions, so seek and destroy! ;)

What’s a day in the life of piluc like?

University, friends, TV series, movies, manga, stupid things on the internet, my dog and a lot of sleeping!

Mac or PC?


Post-apocalyptic world. No trace of human race. It happens that you’ve survived and managed to save…
3 tv-series: Lost, Game of Thrones, The Big Bang Theory
3 movies: Star Wars – Episode III, Drive, Spirited away
3 videogames: GTA San andreas, Pokémon Red, Worms
3 cds: American Idiot (Green Day), Black Holes and Revelations (Muse), Are you dead yet? (Children of Bodom)
3 books: The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho), The Elegance of the Hedgehog (Muriel Barbery), Spartan (Valerio Massimo Manfredi)
One t-shirt: Take this (please Tee Tee, print it! :P)

You are the governor of the world. What’s the first thing you would do?

Plant trees everywhere!
You’ve just won a DeLorean time machine. Which historic period/time/moment would you like to visit?

I’d come back to the hippie movement period!

Say whatever you want to the Tee Tee community!!

Thank you all for voting my designs! And thank you Tee Tee for the opportunity!! :D

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Hi everybody!! :D

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